
Before calling our office, please have the following information ready in order to provide you with exact pricing, as there are some variables to pricing. Please understand that customer service is ready to answer questions, but customers should also have those questions ready as we must operate the business and can’t wait for questions to be considered.

  • CHARACTER PRICES for characters range from $200+ 1hr, depending on the travel distance from the office and what character.
  • MIDGET PRICES are $450+ 1hr and depend on many factors, as there aren’t many midgets around.

(1) #1 Determining Factor – Exact location to the event (New York is a very large geographical area)?
(2) Additional Location Fees:
——- (a) Upstate.
——- (b) Long Island.
(3) Estimated time of arrival (Reserving >2 weeks in advance may negate window of arrival charges)?
——- (a) 1-hour window of arrival is the normal price.
——- (b) Exact time of arrival on the weekend between 2-4pm, additional $25 per character.
(4) How many performers?
(5) Duration of performance (30 min, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours)?
(6) Time of event/party?
——- (a) Most requested time slot: 3PM-4PM
——- (b) Second most requested time slot is: 2:30PM

Boys And Girls Packages


Character Visit Package (30 minute show):

Theatrical entrance
Taking pictures with all the children and family
Signing Posters
Participation in Pinata
Singing happy birthday

Character Interactive Package (1 hour show MOST POPULAR):

Theatrical entrance
Role play performance (dancing, punches, kicks etc.)
Dance contest
Musical Chairs
General improving
Participation in pinata
Singing happy birthday
Autographed weapon for birthday boy/girl (extra charge – if we purchase weapon & must ask with 2 weeks in advance)
Autographed weapon for birthday boy/girl (free if 2 characters are at show)
Secret demonstration, please ask us what we have to offer (extra charge depending)

Character Interactive Package Extended (1.5-5 hours):

Same as interactive package with increased charges for time

Convention Party Package:

Characters provide advertisement of your company attached to the costume of choice. Favorites are Transformers , Iron man and Minion.

Girls Packages


Princess Visit Package (30 min show):

Parade type entrance
Taking pictures
Signing posters
Free Tiara for birthday girl

Choose between:
Singing/Reading or
Basic face painting

Princess Interactive Package (1 hour show- MOST POPULAR):

Parade type entrance
Taking pictures
Interacting Questioning of Characters
Role Playing (Actress Like)
Dance Contest
Special Games (Keeping Role Play In Mind)
Signing posters
Free Tiara & Magic Wand Autographed for birthday girl
Additional Tiara’s will have an extra charge

Choose between:
Role Play from Movie with Songs (MOST POPULAR) or
Story Telling

Payment Policy


All deposits are Non-Refundable; no exceptions, via credit card. Exact cash payment is only accepted the for final payment prior to event/party. Deposits can be credited to a future event/party for up to one (1) year of original booking date. These deposits are to secure the entertainers/performers. Deposits also prevent competitor companies unethical fraudulent reservations. We can cancel your booked event/party and charge a cancellation fee ($100), if at any time any children, parents/adults, and/or guest are disrespectful and/or uncourteous to our staff/performers at ANY time. No violence, hit, kicking, and/or screaming is permitted to any staff/performer at any time; this includes office staff. If so, we do have the right to protect our staff/performers in which your party/event will be canceled at any time, and a cancellation fee will be charged.